Friday, May 15, 2015

Did you know Gov. Perry has been traveling the world - To look smarter than Cruz? Might work!

Somehow the GOP has the bizarre idea that investing NOTHING will magically make us lead the world. Potholes will fix themselves. Old rail will somehow hold up under massive traffic.  Investing in Positive Train Control to keep trains from crashing is not much of a priority.  

Congress and some people have this magical idea that trains are supposed to "pay for themselves" when neither roads or airports are profitable. They are just things we NEED to get from A to B.

I have ridden the fastest train in the world in China. I have used the Euro rail system. Congress' lack of investment in AMTRAK and advanced rail is beyond STUPID. It's holding America back!

The biggest problem today is that everyone is an expert on Everything. Have you noticed that?  People don't accept expertise as knowledge worth listening to versus their sources of information--usually a TV or radio jock who has hardly been outside our borders or some bogus article written by a guy with a tin foil hat that they found on google! LOL.

If I never got off that Iowa farm before going around the world on  legal missions like the Syria child kidnapping case and selling pollution control technology to China, I would be CLUELESS how the real world works. If you have not traveled to China and taken a tour, you have no idea. After being in over 50 countries I went to Norway for the first time. I thought I knew all about it from what I read. When I got there, I realized that I had no idea.

Yet we elect Senators like Mr. Cruz who have no such experience.  I saw not only today's China and dozens of other countries, but i saw it as a young man over 30 years ago. That makes me one of the few who can testify to the changes. And how they think.

Even Gov. Perry has been traveling to a number of countries to get some kind of international knowledge (you didn't know that did you?) Texas taxpayers paid for his security costs on those trips. They paid NONE of mine, since i travel globally without security. It does give him a leg up over the Presidential candidates who think Burundi is wine, or that Jesus was white when all the people I saw in my Middle East trips were Arabs or Persians.

Our Congress should be playing a global strategy for America to get back to No. 1 again. it's not even awake! LOL. If we elect more reps like them, we will totally throw away the legacy of our forefathers and become second rate has-beens. I don't buy that.

Here is a roadmap to get America back on the real track to global success..."Agenda for American Greatness"

Stay tuned here at Global American Values for updates...

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