Monday, February 28, 2011

Don’t Argue With Idiots – Especially on Facebook

Monday, February 28, 2011

I really came to a dramatic conclusion today - Don’t Argue With Idiots – Especially on Facebook.

I realized that arguing one-on-one with cement heads was a HUGE waste of my time.

Worse yet, it has been keeping me from getting important things DONE – like finishing my book of intrigue of a global negotiator, and marketing my golden egg business. Then I can argue with thousands or millions at a time – through my book! And Global American radio….! LOL.

I really got mad at the stupid things people write on Facebook – everyone is such an “expert” despite never having been to the Mideast or anywhere else. I have read more ignorant statements that are taken as “fact” like claiming the President is “anti-Semitic.” Sure, just like he’s from Kenya and Mars. Who makes this stupid stuff up?

Today one of my favorite TV News reporters, Mary Benton, said that “people don’t care about international, they only care about things like Charlie Sheen that generate ratings.”

She’s right of course -- but that’s the problem.

Americans are so focused on the shallow instead of the real things - like the wave of democracy and freedom-seeking people in the Middle East tired of decades and centuries of monopoly rule and being treated like dirt while a few at the top get everything, that they miss important stuff that impacts our future, and our prosperity. Duh!

People who have never been to Egypt are on Facebook saying “Sharia Law” will come -0- based on what? The fact that they have never been to Egypt? Or because they heard Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck say it?

Neither of those over paid radio hosts have spent thirty years in global negotiations in over 50 countries, or been kicked out of the Nile Hilton when Pres. Carter arrived in Cairo to sign the first peace treaty between Israel and an Arab country. I have. I read all about Egypt, China and India before I went – and when I got there I discovered they were nothing like what I read. Unless you are there, you have no idea of reality. Making decisions based on fantasy vs. fact makes for poor outcomes, and fatal mistakes.

That’s our problem – if we Americans think we can focus on rich celebrities acting badly and not be also involved in events half way around the world that involve our interests in oil, freedom and democracy, then we will definitely forfeit our superpower status in the 21st century. We will do it through arrogant ignorance and by choice – by not paying attention. It was that way when I was doing videos on the potential of a terror attack in the U.S. during the 1990’s. No one paid attention until 9/11 –because they were so focused on the Charlie Sheen’s of the time.

I am against that happening.

I know this. We aren’t going to win the global technology race when a nation claiming to be the world’s only superpower dissipates its wealth -- as we did in the first decade of the 21st century – AND when we need a big comeback its citizens sit around watching only local fires and stupid celebrity tricks on TV, or listen to highly paid radio hosts make up silly crap about “caliphates” because they have so little real knowledge of that, or any, part of the world outside the U.S. Until Limbaugh and Beck spend time in Egypt, Saudi, Libya, etc. they are as ignorant as anyone else who hasn’t been there. (Libya is as different from Egypt as Iowa is different than Mississippi or Alabama. Yet the desire for freedom is the same).

That is a recipe for disaster for America. We cannot lead a world we are ignorant of.

And I have no interest in debating with cement heads one on one.

So I am now off Facebook and stupid arguments with cementheads until I finish my real book that spans my time in over 50 countries –from international kidnapping to fraud cases, while laying out what America must do to stay alive and thrive in the remainder of the 21st Century, before we lose the global game (or get blown up) while watching Charlie Sheen interviews…

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