Thursday, May 14, 2015

Opposing trade agreements -- and not having them -- actually COSTS JOBS

America hardly has any tariffs (except on sugar which is stupid because other countries can produce it cheaper than we can, so your sweet tooth gets to pay more as a result.)

Trade agreements get other countries to CUT their tariffs (basically it is a tax on our products) that they impose on our products which are (made in the USA and) imported into their countries. That cuts our costs and makes our goods more affordable.  

It takes a trade agreement to get other nation's tariffs REDUCED. Cutting their tax on our products makes ours more competitive with their local companies.

I know because I have worked it personally in over 50 countries, as a legal negotiator (as documented in "Better Times Ahead April Fool").

Opposing trade agreements -- and not having them -- actually COSTS JOBS if you read the examples in my blog entry at this link.

More exports means more American jobs - every $1 billion creates 5,000 jobs!

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