Saturday, November 13, 2010

Our Immigration Problem is Simple: Lack of a System

Our Immigration Problem is Simple: We Lack an Immigration System.

We have set it up so that human smuggling has been big business because we push people to go "around the gate" instead of "through the gate" to enter the U.S.

The talk about not having a secure border is nonsense. We have built a Berlin Wall along our border. Its forced people to cross in the desert and given the drug gangs a whole new business - people smuggling.

When people say "get control of the border" I have to say that we have control of our border. The real problem is we have a non-functioning system for immigration --which is like trying to run a jet on 5 gallons of gas.

Our system only allows 5,000 unskilled laborers a year to come into the U.S. to do millions of jobs Americans won't do, like work in meat plants and pick lettuce or housekeep for Meg Whitman. You REALLY want to be a meat packer? Your kids? Get real.

Then on the high skill end we shot ourselves in the foot limit the number of those even when Americans don't have those skills, so our companies that need those skills ot stay on top of a global economy lose out. Of course, they SHOULD have those skills but don't because everyone wants to be a lawyer or hedge fund manager and not a tech geek. We should be retraining people to have those skills but we aren't even doing that.

So we end up with people jumping the fence for the low skills and keeping out the high skill people we need to stay on top of the global economic technology race - in other words we have a stupid system; and a dysfunctional one. So we are screwing ourselves twice over.

If we revised our system to let in those we need and have them identified with a card, biometrics, and background check we end up with a better system instead of the present chaos.

Actually the fall off of over 1 million illegals in the U.S. in the last two years has been largely because of the lousy economy -they aren't here for welfare, they want WORK. So some of them are now going to Europe instead --for jobs. They certainly don't want to sit around with nothing to do - they can do that back home.

To find out more about how we can fix our system, tune in to today's Global American radio program on Illegal Immigration, where we talk about how it is and how we can fix it. On Business 1110 AM, streamed on and available 24/7 under "favorite programs" at

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