Sunday, April 26, 2015

I would never be so arrogant to tell a doctor about medicine - So Why Do People Do it on Trade?

I would never be so arrogant to tell a doctor how to do his job.
I would never be so arrogant to tell an electrician how to do his job.
I would never be so arrogant to tell a teacher or plumber etc how to do their jobs.

Yet I see people posting all the time who have never been outside their home state and have never been involved in international sales act like they are experts on TPP and international trade. Worse yet, they don't want to listen to someone who has. That's not smart. A BBC article said it indicates "you might be suffering from “confirmation bias” – the tendency to only pick evidence to support your viewpoint.

I am not a climate scientist but I LISTEN to their expertise, just as I do with mechanics, doctors and teachers. They have that expertise. I have mine. Don't blow it off and not expect me to rip your ears off.  I don't ask my dentist for tips on cutting trade deals.

I spent spent over 25 years selling American products overseas (which create jobs HERE) for both the Fortune 500 and for the little guys.  I wrote about it in Better Times Ahead April Fool.

These are FACTS not just an opinion on Trade Agreements and how they impact jobs.  It's documented in

TPP is far from finished so lets start an intelligent conversation, starting with this blog entry...

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