Sunday, September 30, 2012

REcession of 2008: National Version of Great Texas Oil Bust of the 80's

For $99 I bought a camera at Frye's that has WiFi - it uploads to Facebook, YouTube, PhotoBucket - even to my Smartphone. AMAZING what a Wi Fi with a camera makes. It also does video and editing.

TECHNOLOGY is what our present economic race is all about. We will either win it or lose it on a world economic scale, because all trade is now global, from cars to computers. Over 40 nations have space programs. America will have to think globally and strategically to win. It will have to invest in upgrading our infrastructure and peoples' jobs skills to fill the 2 million plus high tech jobs open TODAY that are unfilled because AMERICANS don't have those skills. Is this CRAZY or what? 

And you don't win this inescapable global economic race by cutting education. Education is the vital key to American victory in this new world we live in in 2012, where economic supremacy now includes a  commercial and scientific space race.


We don't win by not knowing what is happening globally.

Since you don't have time to time to go to 30 plus countries in the next month, you can do it in the time it takes to travel with me in my book "Better Times Ahead: April Fool?" It is based on old travel journals that went from Fortune 500 First Class traveler to the laid off entrepreneur who once ran out of money in Bangkok and went to Syria on a child kidnapping negotiation for a Texas lady, etc.

It will explain a lot about what is going on out there, big and small.

The Final Chapter "Agenda for American Greatness"  is all about how we got in this situation the past 30 years and PROPOSES SOLUTIONS on HOW WE GET OUT OF IT.

In short, I propose how we fix it based on my global business terrorism and technology  expertise in over 50 countries the past 30 plus years...

 "Better Times Ahead: April Fool?" is a true story of my own experience losing it all during a recession like today (then called the Great Texas Oil Bust of the 80's) and how that led to amazing new opportunities despite the wrenching experience it was, including founding a green company that has been thriving even during the Greatest recession experienced by the U.S. in 70 years.

It is an American story for everyone in America today...

One of the things I have learned is that life long learning is a MUST until the day we die...

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