Monday, May 12, 2014

Nigeria: Bigger Film Industry Than Hollywood, Missing Girls and Bad Luck Jonathan

Did you know that NIGERIA has the SECOND largest film industry in the world? That Hollywood is No. 3? India is No. 1.


A video has surfaced showing the kidnapped girls praying "to Allah" and dressed in traditional Islamic dress - when in fact most of the girls are Christians.

So WHY has the government of Nigeria been so uninterested in bringing back these girls?

Is the fate of these innocent girls changing Good Luck Jonathon into "Bad Luck" Jonathon?  What is happening in oil rich Nigeria (the Saudi Arabia of Africa)? My story and experiences in Nigeria in the chapter "Jet Lag and African Voodoo" in my book "Better Times Ahead April Fool" will open the door to that mysterious place, a country split between a Christian south and a Muslim north...

Why was I there? I had been hired by a Texas oil entrepreneur who wanted to get government approval for a "small" oil concession - ten wells, each spewing 10,000 barrels of oil a day! Add ten wells times 10,000 times the price of oil today ($100 barrell), and you'll see why we were there...and what happened...

My wish is for the girls to be free. You'll see why that is so hard to do in "Better Times Ahead April Fool."
Nigeria's GIANT oil rigs...where does all that black gold go? I found out...

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